Compost Tea Supplies
Compost tea is considered a probiotic for both plants and soil. Much like yogurt, naturally fermented foods or pro-biotics can provide benefical organisms to the human digestive system, compost tea can provide beneficial digestive organisms that help to breakdown organic matter. Applications of compost teas help to build a productive and healthy soil ecosystem by ensuring beneficial. Compost teas are very affordable to produce, can be used on lawns, vegetable gardens, annuals, perennials, houseplants, shrubs, trees, orchards, forests, and vineyards with no threat to pets, livestock or humans.
Producing high-quality compost tea starts with quality ingredients. Garden Tea Company provides a fine selection of organic compost tea ingredients and compost tea brew bags for producing quality compost tea. Let your home brewed compost teas come alive.
"The point of applying compost tea is to return the biology that should be present, to grow the desired plants with as little effort as possible. There can be no question that presence of beneficial organisms improves plant growth" -Dr.Elaine Ingham et al, 1985, USDA Soil Biology Primer, 1995
Join the revolution, declare your fertilizer independence and brew your own, your plants will thank you!